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Pastoral Council

Minutes for Pastoral Council


Click on W to view minutes from last meeting. 







Diocese of Green Bay Information



From the Office of Divine Worship

Greetings as we continue our pilgrimage through the Worship Jesus Years, anticipating the National Eucharistic Procession and the National Eucharistic Revival.


Distribution of Holy Communion under Both Kinds



The Bishop's Appeal

Our goal for this year is $9,696.00

The Bishop’s Appeal is the annual fundraising campaign conducted by the Catholic Foundation

to support the ministries and services of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay to our

parishes, schools, families, and individuals.


Each family is asked to prayerfully consider how much they will pledge as our partners

as the heart and hands of Jesus in service to others.


Please go to the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Green Bay

website to make your donation or turn in your pledge card.


Thank you for your consideration!


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